Chinese Passover 5


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Chinese Language Bible Lesson Passover Sofers quill used to write Hebrew Scrolls

Chinese Language Bible Lesson You are commanded to eat Lamb for Passover

Chinese Language Bible Lesson Normally cook over 100 pounds of Lamb for our Seders

Chinese Language Bible Lesson John said  Jesus is the Passover Lamb

Chinese Language Bible Lesson the Pharisees examined Jesus and found Him faultless

Chinese Language Bible Lesson Satan examined Jesus and found Him faultless

Chinese Language Bible Lesson the Sadducees examined Jesus and found Him faultless

Chinese Language Bible Lesson the high priest examined Jesus and found Him faultless

Chinese Language Bible Lesson Pilate  examined Jesus and found Him faultless

Chinese Language Bible Lesson you  examine Jesus and you will find Him faultless

Chinese Language Bible Lesson every home had to have lamb for Passover

Chinese Language Bible The Passover Lamb was slain for the blood

Chinese Language Bible The Passover hyssop is a common weed in Israel

Chinese Language Bible Study The Passover blood on lintel and both sides of the doorpost

Chinese Language Bible Study The Passover Jesus said I am the Door

Chinese Language Bible Study The Passover four cups of the fruit of the vine were used

Chinese Language Bible Study The Passover four cups The first before supper

Chinese Language Bible Study four cups The second the blood of The Messiah

Chinese Language Bible Study four cups The second the blood of The Messiah Communion

Chinese Language Bible Study four cups The Third spoke of  in Gethsemane Garden

Chinese Language Bible Study four cups An angel comforts Jesus

Chinese Language Bible Study Jesus drinks third cup alone on Golgotha

Chinese Language Bible Study Jesus drinks third cup alone on Golgotha Jesus talks to His Father

Chinese Language Bible Study My God My God Why Hast Thou forsaken Me?

Chinese Language Bible Study On the cross Jesus said I Thirst

Chinese Language Bible Study On the cross Jesus said I Thirst He was given vinegar to drink

Chinese Language Bible Study When He drank the vinegar He said it is finished

Chinese Language Bible Study You choose Do you want the Lamb of God or not

Chinese Language Bible Study The fourth cup awaits us in Heaven

Chinese Language Bible Study the three foods of Passover are in the communion

Chinese Language Bible Study the three foods of Passover are necessary for your salvation

Chinese Language Bible Study The plan of Salvation

Chinese Language Bible Study Today you can be born again unto eternal life

Feasts of Leviticus 23